Friday, August 13, 2010

Thank You !!!

Hey guys...A big thank to everyone who dropped by the blog. I am really sorry for not being regular.

I had been so busy entertaining people at my place for last 2 weekends and then I fell sick (...sorry for boring you with my story), but it has been really hectic.
Only today I got around checking my blog.

I somehow feel that if I post something here,they I should mean every word of it and not make it 'rush rush' thing. A post,where every word has my 100%. Since, I wasn't feeling so good, I abstained from updating anything here.

Now, that I am not doing any household things, I can update my blog.

So, in short, Thanks for stopping by. It feels good when you realise that there people out there who read what you write.

I hope to see more of you beauties here :-)


  1. No prob. take your time, we all go through those "i'm feeling so blah" days.

  2. @Pookhie : Thanks for being such a sweetheart
